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Coffee for Beauty Sensation

Coffee not only delicious and gives sensation when in drink. However, coffee also has many benefits for beauty. Here among these benefits:

  • Minimize Cellulite

If you like coffee, should not be in the waste coffee grounds located at the bottom of the cup. Therefore, coffee grounds can be utilized to minimize cellulite. Coffee granules in coffee grounds can erode the fat under the skin tissue, so that it can reduce cellulite in the body.
Tips : Pour boiling two tablespoons of ground coffee. Take the waste that is in the bottom of the cup, in a way to filter it. Add olive oil. Stir until well blended. Then, take a little and apply at the body that often there is cellulite, such as thighs, arms, and abdomen. Apply while the lighter massage do for material – the material contained in a coffee can seep into the skin tissue. Apply for 10 minutes.
Let stand briefly, then rinse thoroughly. Perform maintenance regularly 2 times a week to get maximum results.
  • Restores dull face

Due to dust, air pollution, and sunlight can make the skin become dull. Skin care routine can restore lost facial hue. One of them by treatment with coffee.
Tips : Take a handful of coffee beans that have been roasted. Mash roughly, then sifted. The result of the sieve that is used to treat facial skin dull. Take one tablespoon of coffee ayajkan these results, plus one teaspoon of chocolate and milk powder. Add cold water taste, stir in up to resemble pasta. Apply the paste on the face of it flat. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water, and dry with a soft towel. Continue by applying a moisturizer according to face shape for facial skin moist. In addition to tight, skin will become smooth, fresh, and not dull.
  • Leather Cleaning

Coffee powder with fine grains that can also be useful as a scrub to exfoliate the dead skin. Caffeine contained in it are also able to relax the skin.
Tips: Pour boiling two tablespoons of ground coffee. Take the waste that is in the bottom of the cup, in a way to filter it. Add cleaning the body, then stir until evenly mixed. Rub these ingredients throughout the body in want it flat.
Let stand for 10 minutes, then wash as usual. Perform maintenance regularly 2 times a week to get maximum results and to maintain the skin remains smooth and clean.
  • Eliminate Black spots on Skin

Coffee grounds are mixed with lemon perasam also can help clear skin and menghilangakan vlek vlek black-face. Water Lemon Juice contains antioxidants that are high enough, so it can help reduce vlek black on the face.
Tips : Pour boiling two tablespoons of ground coffee. Take the waste that is in the bottom of the cup, in a way to filter it. Add lemon juice to taste, stir until the paste resembles coffee grounds. And then later apply the potion on her face in light massage accompanied evenly across the face. Let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Perform maintenance regularly 2 times a week to get maximum results and I am sure that there are black spots on your face will disappear with a snap.
  • Prevent Varicose Appearance

Varicose veins or the prominence of blood vessels in the skin surface would reduce the confidence in a woman. To prevent the appearance of varicose veins, try using coffee the result will work well and the maximum. Caffeine contained in it can give effect vasodilatation or dilate blood vessels, so blood flow to flow smoothly.
Tips : Take the coffee grounds add water to taste, mix well and resemble pasta. Rubbing on the body part that there are varicose veins on a light massage accompanied. Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
Perform maintenance regularly 4 times a week to get maximum results and I believe your varicose veins will disappear by itself
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