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Organic food diets may assist weight loss

Eating a diet rich in organic produce may lead to improvements in overall health and wellbeing, according to scientists in Melbourne.
Researchers from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University have found that many people are making the switch to organic fruits, vegetables and meat and dairy products amid fears for their health.
Liza Oates from RIMT, said: "About 25 per cent of people who took part in our Australian survey last year said that health-related issues – including allergic conditions, fatigue and concerns about general health and cancer prevention – influenced their decision to consume organic foods."
The PhD student was also quick to highlight the possible benefits of naturally produce by pointing to reports conducted in The Netherlands, which suggested that 75 per cent of organic consumers said their health improved as a direct result of the foods they ate.
However, it is unclear whether these statistics are made based on the fact that organic food has less traces of chemical and pesticides products, or if the produce has a higher nutritional content.
For those who are considering purchasing organic products as part of a broader weight loss plan, reports of increased energy levels may boost physical activity and boost glucose metabolism.
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