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Oily Skin Care Tips

woman cleansing skin after facial treatment

Relaxation, living a stress-free lifestyle and lots of sleep are only some of the helpful tips that many health and beauty experts would generally recommend to anyone who wants to have a beautiful skin.
While these tips are generally helpful since the body naturally reacts well to healthy habits, it is also important to know what the specific remedies are in maintaining an oil-free skin.

What causes oily skin?

If you’re dreaming to have oil-free skin, you have to know what causes oily skin and act on them accordingly.
An oily skin can be bad or good. A person who has an oily skin can have the fewer tendencies to develop wrinkles early in life. On the other hand, she will be prone to blemishes such as pimples. This is because the sebaceous gland that produces sebum or the natural oil content in her skin is more active thus causing the skin to be clogged.
Causes of oily skin may be hereditary. Others may be influenced by a person?s hormone levels, diet, intake of contraceptive pills, and exposure to hot or humid weather. Stress has also been proven as one of the major causes of blemishes on the skin especially on the face. Changes in the hormone levels during pregnancy or menopause also affects a healthy skin.

Stay beautiful with oil-free skin

Genetics determine your skin type. So whatever skin type you have, be careful in using a solution and be sure to select the best one that fits your skin type and would give you long terms benefits. A healthy skin depends on your beauty regimen and healthy habits that you exercise.
Most females dread to have an oily face. It often becomes a cause for embarrassment and waste of effort if untreated no matter how many products and powder you have already tried to cover your oily face up. So, are you tired of frequent washing only to make your face look fresh every time?

Here are some tips to staying beautiful with an oil-free skin:

  • Live a happy and healthy life. Sit back and relax! Many studies have already proven the effects of stress to an unhealthy skin. Stress causes your skin to be blemished with acne and pimples and even lines. Although you may have a busy schedule, worrying would not do you and your skin any favour. Getting things done one at a time would! Deviating your schedule into letting yourself breathe through workouts, getting a spa or massage, talking with someone with a great deal of humor, and being happy about simple things will help you bring back that glow. Try these things and notice that the changes are worth it!
  • On of the routines that you should do everyday is cleansing. Regularly washing your face will save your skin from the build-up of sebum and occurrence of acne and other blemishes. Bacteria will also be washed away preventing the further damage that it can inflict on your skin. Do not use soap when cleansing your face, use a gentle facial cleanser instead. Soap is said to dry up the skin. Never go to bed without washing your face especially when you put on make up. 
  • Remove your dead skin cells by exfoliating. Done once a week, exfoliating removes the dead skin cells that will make your face look dull and old. These also cause the accumulation of blackheads on the skin. When you exfoliate, your skin is renewed by the replacement of dead cells with translucent ones.
  • Use a toner. Toners reduce the chance of producing too much oil. They also cool our skin and refresh it. Fresheners are mild kind of toners while astringents are strong.
  • Moisturize. It is said to be the best beauty regimen. Even when you have an oily skin, moisturizing is still important. It provides the skin enough moisture that it needs so it will not become dry.
  • Protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays form the sun. A sun protection like those that contain SPF 15 will do. The skin being overexposed to the sun can cause damage and sometimes even skin cancer.
  • Drinking a lot of water is said to bring the body many health benefits. Experts say that water also serves as a moisturizer for the skin.
  1. On the final note, enjoying a life free of stress is still the best remedy to keeping a healthy and beautiful skin.

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