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Nutrition Important To Stay Younger

Everyone knows the benefits of vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients for the body. We know different types of nutrients. But for women, there are five nutrients that are most important to be satisfied.
Here goes the list, as quoted from Sheknows.

Vitamin C

  • Vitamin C is the most popular vitamin because the rich will benefit. This vitamin can help build bones, teeth, muscles and skin. But the most important for women, vitamin C is important for the absorption of iron. This is because iron helps give you a reserve of energy and prevent fatigue.
    How much vitamin C is either consumed by the body each day? The recommended daily amount by experts is 75-90 milligrams. One cup of orange could meet the amount of vitamin C that the body needs each day.

Vitamin D

  • Health experts believe that vitamin D plays an important peranna in regulating more than 2,000 genes in the body. “It affects cell death, proliferation, production insuin and even the immune system,” says Michael F. Holick, Ph.D., MD, director of research at Boston University Medical Center, USA. A recent study reveals vitamin D may reduce the risk of breast cancer.


  • We need calcium from birth to adulthood, not only for bone health but also for the prevention of colon cancer, dental care, healthy weight and prevention of kidney stones. In fact, calcium is useful to help reduce the mood is not stable when premenstrual. Served until the benefits of calcium did not stop there alone. Recently the National Institutes of Health found that calcium can help lower high blood pressure.

Vitamin B12

  • This vitamin is an essential vitamin in the diet daily Y women. Vitamin B12 may help prevent memory loss, nerve damage, anemia, heart disease to depression. Often feel tired? Add vitamin B12 to help improve stamina. Enter the milk, eggs and poultry meat into your diet.

Folic Acid

Thought to have a baby soon? Folic acid is sebauh must. When a woman has a fairly flat acid intake during pregnancy, then it can prevent the occurrence of congenital birth defects such as spina bifida (cleft spine) and anencephaly (a condition where most of the bones of the skull and the baby’s brain is not formed).
Addition of folic acid are also useful for women aged dusk because it could help feed the brain, improving eyesight and jga give extra energy. Experts say women should get 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid each day
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